
BSS007-3 Assessment 2 Counselling Report

Counselling plays an important role in every single person's life when he/she is facing issues or dealing with stress related to situations. Report is going to show qualities that a counsellor should have in regards to do resolve issue of his own and of clients as well. Along with this, models and types of counselling are also being enclosed under this assignment. Lastly, it will show micro skills that will help in resolving issues and reduce stress level in an individual Beaumont, Jenkins and Galpin, (2012).

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Being as a counsellor, I saw that every single person have his/her own sort of issues. In this context, giving appropriate suggestions is a task for a counsellor. Here, I am facing problem which is related to my career, as I am not seeing any better opportunities that will aid me in getting good growth of my own. Because of this, my stress level has increased and I started staying in depression. In nights, I won't be able to sleep and likes to stay alone. It is necessary for me to get over this issue so that I can stay happy. I asked questions from myself that why I am looking to make changes where I got the answer from that to get a better lifestyle. Overthinking, family pressure, financial instability, friends getting hired by big firms are some of the reason which has caused me into getting stress or in depression.

Along with this, getting a good growth every individual likes to have. But, major concern I am feeling that initiatives which needs to be taken right on time is not being taken by most of people. Same has happened with me as well. Being as a counsellor I saw that, switching to an other company may aid me in getting hike in my salary which will directly put positive impact on lifestyle of mine. Where, I won't think about my pocket while purchasing something. Away from this, I can also give better life style to my family as well. Travelling is my passion, thus extra money will help me out in exploring new places. With the help of this, I can become much more effective while doing my own stuff and can overcome from problems that I am facing on daily basis which have hampered the situation.

Being a counsellor, I need to evaluate this difficulty in an effective manner. For this, behavioural theory will be utilized by me. With support of this, I will easily evaluate behave of mine effectually. This will help me to assess my views and behaviour because they are interrelated with each others. If I am negative in any circumstances then, this will develop adverse emotions. Thus, it is required to concentrate on changing behaviour pattern so that balanced result will be developed. I am facing issue which is associated with career and it will provide impact to job opportunities. As I am not having some skills like leadership and managing team; hence, I will not apply to some occupations. In this way, it is affecting my growth as well as development.

I am using behavioural theory because this helps to evaluate those strategies which will aid to resolve issues appropriately. Strategies will get formulated will be utilized by me into routine life as well. Along with, I will easily attain coveted targets within limited period of time. To resolve problems, I will classify it into various parts so entire work will get done in a systematic manner. By developing qualities like leadership and team management; I will obtain hike in my career significantly. I get in depression and lots of stress due to career difficulties because I am not able to acquire success. Therefore, with assistance of behavioural theory I will get over from this. Along with, it will also suitable for low self esteem, low mood, addictions, anxiety, trauma and many others Bedi and et. al., (2011).

Micro skills of counselling is an effective skills which helps in enhancing appropriate communication with their clients. With the help of these type of skills, counsellor easily build a better alliance of working and also engage their clients in discussion Five Counselling Microskills. (2014). There are various micro skill which I can use in order to resolve my career issue and these are as follows:

Attending behaviour is that kind of skill, when I am implementing this in my own issue then I found that, I need to make eye contact while standing in front of mirror which assist me to develop confidence in me to decrease my stress level in effective way. Basically, this type skills help me as a counsellor that I feel more confident at the time of finding as well as switching job from one to another.

Questioning is also an important skill that I use at the time of putting question from me that why I do change my current job and organization? what kind of expectations from new organization? Why do you think that? And many more. As counsellor I found that my stress level continuously increase do to my career growth. This will help me I determining my expectation level from the new job in order to enhance chances of attaining better growth level in another organization.

Confrontation is something which helps counsellor to challenge their clients, being as counsellor it is important for me to challenge my own self to reduce stress level by create better awareness towards the my career issue. By this, I easily make me more confident as well as positive attitude while communicating with other. This will help in me to attain better growth in my career and at the same time also reduce my own stress level.

Focusing is also an effective micro skill of counsellor, as a counsellor, it is important for me to focus on my counselling session in order to make potential solution towards my career issue. Suggestions which are most relevant, so that to resolve issues that are being faced by me here I can keep focus on them while taking initiatives. By focusing my own issues I easily improve chances of attaining better growth level in another organization.

Reflection of meaning define deeply held thoughts of life experiences. As a counsellor, I have to locate by problems in much more effective ways in order to resolve them in short period of time. With the help of this, I can reduce stress level of mine in an appropriate manner.

As stated by Clarkson, (2013), career issues are confronting by lots of people. To overcome from this issue, it is required for them to get proper counselling. This will assists them to know about success and growth patter which is required for them. To be a counsellor various kinds of characteristics need to be obtain by them. This will comprise flexibility, problem solving, knowledge, effective communication skills, multicultural acceptance, self awareness and so forth. In addition to this, counsellor needs possess convincing skills. If there is no career opportunities then, people will not be able to get more job chances and this signified by Daniluk, Koert and Cheung, (2012). This has been analysed that if people are not getting opportunities then this leads to stress and worry into them. To overcome from this sort of issues people will attend some sessions, programmes or seminars. This assists to learn new things which will help in growth and success.

According to Gazzola and et. al., (2011), Behavioural theory needs to be used by counsellor as this is basically based on belief of an individual. It aids to concentrate on behaviour as well as cognitions. Fundamentally, this hypothesis demonstrates what people think and how they behave. If there is any changes in behaviour of persons then, this will develop some issues for them. This has been analysed that, career issue is the major difficulty which is facing by individuals in wide manner. It needs to be resolve as quick as possible. This hypothesis motivate persons to do each thing by yourself. Along with, they will easily confront any kind of obstacle without fear or hesitation. With assistance of this, alternatives will develop to resolve any problem effectively and efficiently.

As described by Haverkamp and et. al. (2011), micro skills are used by counsellor at the time of counselling because it assists to improve communication abilities with customers in an effective manner. Therefore, they will improve involvement level of client into discussion which is useful for their career growth and enhancement. This will classified into various types, such as questioning, influencing, focusing, confronting, client observation and many others. Confrontation is utilizing by counsellors in wide manner as it assists to improve self awareness, it defines by Hiebert, Domene and Buchanan, (2011). With support of this, client will easily determine those discrepancies by which they were not aware in past. This is basically utilized by counsellor when they observed that mixed message in thoughts and feelings of clients.

From above assignment it has been concluded that counselling is required for each and every individual. Through an effective guidance people will accomplish work effectively. Career issue is considered as foremost problem which is facing by people in recent period of time. With support of this, job opportunities will be determined and I can directly take an initiative that is related to selecting an appropriate job profile according to my own perspectives.

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  • Beaumont, E. A., Jenkins, P. & Galpin, A. J. (2012). ‘Being kinder to myself’: a prospective comparative study, exploring post-trauma therapy outcome measures, for two groups of clients, receiving either cognitive behaviour therapy or cognitive behaviour therapy and compassionate mind training.Counselling Psychology Review. 27(1). pp.31-43.
  • Bedi, R. P. & et. al. (2011). Counselling psychology in a Canadian context: Definition and description.Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne. 52(2). p.128.
  • Clarkson, P. (2013).Counselling psychology: integrating theory, research and supervised practice. Routledge.
  • Daniluk, J. C., Koert, E. & Cheung, A. (2012). Childless women’s knowledge of fertility and assisted human reproduction: identifying the gaps.Fertility and sterility. 97(2). pp.420-426.
  • Gazzola, N. & et. al. 2011. Professional identity among counselling psychology doctoral students: A qualitative investigation.Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 24(4). pp.257-275.
  • Haverkamp, B.E. & et. al. (2011). Professional issues in Canadian counselling psychology: Identity, education, and professional practice.Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne. 52(4). p.256.
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